Friday, April 8, 2011

Good News, Rush Limbaugh's Still Got It!

(Originally posted Jan. 15th, 2010)
Mexico City had theirs. Eastern China just had one, too. And now, Haiti has just encountered “The Big One”. With death tolls feared to be over 100,000 (more or less the best case scenario), looming piles of rubble smothering the landscape, and essentially zero domestic funds for rescue and recovery efforts, Haiti isn’t just up shit creek, it IS shit creek. It’s hard to describe how ugly the situation looks from here. The entire effort seems bewildering. I cant imagine just how much of an already decayed infrastructure withered away during the quake, much less, how much of an horribly overcrowded city is still trapped beneath it all. Something so unthinkably woeful will often lead most people to rest their malice and ill-will, at least long enough to reflect on something other than oneself. Then again, some people look at this Haiti crisis and see a golden egg. One of them is Voldemort, the other is Rush Limbaugh.

The odd thing about all this recent uproar is, it’s hardly political. Sure, he’s raised a fair amount of hell over President Obama supposed shameless drooling over the political opportunity smoldering over there, but that’s not the core here. Even Rush hasn’t convinced himself that this is a “botched” operation based on political positioning in light of that whole….uh…um….Katrina….um, mishap.

No, this is all about Black people. I’m officially squeezing every drop out of the Kanye West card. Rush Limbaugh HATES black people. Am I just negligently throwing around accusations here? Well, here’s some pudding:

“Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”

“We need segregated buses… This is Obama’s America.”

“You’re a foreigner. You shut your mouth or you get out.”

Personal Favorite…

“They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?” (In reference to thousands of them dying in ways that was in no way preventable back then, at all.)

Not offended too terribly?

“You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray (known assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King). We miss you, James. Godspeed.”

So as you see, he’s not just a dabbler in bigotry. You could almost say he’s the snuggie of hatred. For years, we had millions and millions of blankets, but then came along the snuggie and completely changed the game.

Rush Limbaugh is keeping discrimination warm and convenienced.

Back here in reality, Rush Limbaugh has become increasingly nonexistent as a political figure and has cut his teeth as more of a crass, spewing masthead representing a repulsion for anything not white, Christian, or Reaganesque. He still yearns and pleads for that “good old day” he keeps bothering us with. You know, when he didn’t have to tussle with ethnics in the streets and black people were fairly powerless as a race. Oh, women were under some considerable oppression as well, and I’d be willing to bet he misses that dearly too.

In short, Rush Limbaugh will likely never be happy until everything and everyone black is gone. I’m thoroughly convinced his is the master race and he is the mastermind. It all sounds eerily like another white supremacist who thrived on a platform of hate some decades ago, but I’ll stop short of making the comparison—because nobody does that quite like Rush.

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